Several common critiques are as follows. The Report fails to include a target to reduce growing inequalities within and between nations and inequalities between men and women. The Report mentions of greater roles of private sector vis-à-vis the states and civil society organizations as an actor in sustainable development process. For example, target 1c under Goal 1 “End Poverty” is placing businesses together with women, men and communities have equal rights to land, property and other assets. On the other hand, the responsibilities of businesses to meet the target 8a under the Goal 8, increase in the “number of good and decent jobs and livelihoods” is not mentioned. The definition of ‘good jobs’ is not specified, neither. While the issues of women’s unpaid care work and social reproduction were raised in consultations (the Annex), they were not included in indicators or targets.
Discussions on the post-2015 develop-ment agenda are on-going. More pro-posals will be submitted to the United Nations by September 2013.