Product and Service Description
• Food and Regional
At Betrago Shop Hatyai, encouraged by a growing food market, the Betagro Group operates a domestic food distribution business covering a range of products from hygienic chicken meat and pork, sausages, meat balls, to eggs and cooked products.
To deliver high quality food products to consumers and create jobs and incomes within local communities, the Betagro Group is expanding its network of operations in the provinces. The provincial operations involve animal feed manufacturing and distribution; swine and chicken farming; broiler and egg laying chicken price guarantee; contract farming (fattening pigs); pork/chicken/egg processing, packing and distribution; and manufacturing of other related food products.
The Betagro Group is also expanding its business presence to neighboring markets such as Cambodia,Laos and Japan by setting up animal feed and livestock development representatives in response to growing demand in these emerging markets.