The instructor shall behave in loco parentis towards the apprentice, that is, watch over his conduct and manners, either at home or outside, and inform his parents or their representative of any serious offenses committed by the apprentice or any incorrect propensity manifested. Moreover, the instructor must also inform the apprentice's parents, without delay, in the case of illness, absence or any other problem, for their intervention.
The instructor shall not employ an apprentice for an overwork or for any work or service other than those related to the exercise of the apprentice's profession.
Article 59
The instructor must progressively and completely teach the apprentice the occupation that is the subject of the contract, and where applicable, provide him with every facility or opportunity in the event of the apprentice wishing to take a course in a vocational training school.
At the end of the apprenticeship, a certificate attesting the execution of the contract by both parties and the professional skill of the apprentice shall be awarded after an official examination conducted by a neutral exam panel.
Article 60
The apprentice shall obey and respect his instructor within the context of apprenticeship. He must assist the instructor in his work to the best of his ability. He shall keep the professional confidentiality.
Article 61
Any person who is convinced of having incited an apprentice to break his contract shall be liable to an indemnity in favour of the manager of the establishment or of the workshop that the apprentice has abandoned. The indemnity must, in no case, not exceed the amount of actual damages suffered by the former employer.
Any new apprenticeship contract made before the fulfillment of all the obligations or termination of the preceding contract shall be null and void.