Jacob had entered his cabin and immediately and purposefully walked to his bedside and assumed his familiar position on his knees. His hands clasped and eyes closed, Jacob began to speak with his Lord.
"Lord, this village was started by twenty like-minded people, all united for the purpose of creating a society devoted to you and to each other. A society that was supposed to grow and spread, from a village to a town, even becoming one of the future great cities of this country. But instead, we have been losing each other. Last week Ruth became the twelfth member to leave. The world outside has lost us more than half our population and I sometimes fear that Satan has a stronghold on this village. We started this village to escape from the world and focus on you and your Word. Not on money. Not on goods. Not on clothes. Not on our appearances. Only through our combined efforts will Satan be defeated and our village be replenished. I pray Lord that you will ensure that the remaining eight members of our village stay and in doing so, have their faith renewed. Please strengthen us all to fight against our individual weaknesses. Please give us hope when we need it. Please ensure that the world outside is extinguished in our hearts..."
The other seven villagers were dutifully confined to their own cabins, having mostly finished their prayers but choosing to remain indoors, lying on their beds after a hearty breakfast. Motionless. Had Jacob heard their earlier prayers, perhaps he would not have been displeased.
"Lord, please help me to endure until the end. I am trying to be a good person... I am trying to be sociable to all, especially Jacob, but... I want so much to endure to the end. I don’t wish to quarrel with Jacob. If he is the leader, help me to accept that. I just do not want to let you or myself down. I want to win the race, just as the Bible says, by keeping my eyes on the prize. I believe that Lord, I trust in you. Please Lord, help me to be sustained. I believe I can make it where others have failed. Help me to win the battle. Please Lord; help me to stay in Happy Valley...