When he hears an answer, Kazuya connects a radio with the leader of the 4th squad Sergeant Funasaka.
「Sergeant Funasaka, please respond」
『? Captain General, what’s wrong?』(TLN: Old rank meaning commander of army)
「There’s something I want to say」
『What is it?』
「…..to be honest. The mission to secure the gate will be very difficult, as the enemies base is only 10km away from it. I’ve already requested reinforcements, but–」
Kazuya sticks his head out of the hatch of the CV, with walkie talkie in hand.
『With all due respect, I was already aware of this. With the Captain General’s orders, there is no right or wrong. We will follow your orders no matter what. So please don’t mind it』
When Sergeant Funasaka showed a determined reply, Kazuya merely answered weakly.
「….well then. Thank you」
『I know. Have good fortune in battle, Commander』
「You too, Sergeant」
When Sergeant Funasaka runs his Humvee parallel with Kazuya’s CV; he salutes. Then the 4th squad seperates from formation, aiming for the opposite city gate.
Aiming at the other gate, Kazuya orders.
「GO!! GO!! GO!! Crash through the gate!!」
Suddenly, the 1st and 2nd squad burst into the fort city which is flooded with enemies. They look confused due to the sudden entrance. One is crushed under a vehicle whilst the others are shot down.
The third squad separates at the gates and begins to secure them.
「Ora, Ora, Eat this!!」
「Master it’s dangerous, please come inside!!」
Kazuya didn’t hear Chitose’s words as he continued firing the 12.7mm bullets wildly. He was currently using the M2 machine gun mounted on the CV Stryker.
Like this, Kazuya arrives at the second gate of the cities walls.
When the vehicle stops, soldiers pour out and clean up the remaining enemies.
「What are these guys!?!?」
「Where did they come from!?」
The enemies who were being attacked attempted to escape.
「Oi! Wait a moment, keep fighting!!」
「Counter attack!」
Although some brave magicians and soldiers tried to fight back, combined fire from the M4A1 carbine and MK48 machine gun quickly reduced them to pools of blood.
The city gate is suddenly opened and the defensive soldiers from the gate pour out wiping out the soldiers like an avalanche.
Making a difficult decision, the imperial soldiers decided to retreat.
After the enemies had fled, a large number of siege weapons were left abandoned.
「The 2nd squad will clean this place up, the first squad will go meet the commander of the fort city」
Kazuya was glad that the battle was over, so he went left the 2nd squad at the gate and took the 1st squad to meet Duke Karen Lautrec.