Dear Ogawa san,
Attached herewith are all docs just received from transportation section today and also requested us to issuing billing invoices.
After checking all these docs then found that all docs had been sent from a customer since july 23 for transportation job working during this month but a condition shown on " term of payment " box was that we have to settle billing invoice between july 1-31 then we can get payment on the next month.
For this case, we can not settle tomorrow or friday due to holiday that means we will be able to get payment on september instead so I think these should be sent to me earlier than this times. Please kindly consider for the way that this shoule be improve or not.
If you think it was ok so I will not comment on this process anymore but I am the one who have to answer our account and also follow up the payment then I think we should improve our process to.
Thanks for your kind nderstanding and support