“That just isn’t gonna cut it, lady. You aren’t going to hit anything firing wildly like that. Stability is more important than distance. No matter how good a gun you have, you can still miss at 10 meters with terrible form like that,” said a deep male voice.
Two light gunshots rang out and two dark-red holes opened in the woman’s right shoulder. The rifle finally fell from her grasp and her resistance was replaced by groans.
“Don’t even hold a gun if you can’t hit. Are you trying to get yourself killed!? This is the world’s largest gun country!!”
“Who…are you…?” Accelerator asked the boasting man.
“That’s what I’d like to ask you, Japanese boy. I came all the way here to save the children, but you stole my thunder.”
“…Again: who the hell are you?”
“I really wish people would start watching the morning news,” sighed the middle-aged man holding a handgun. “I’m the goddamn president.”
Part 22[edit]