On this week 8 that is Monday ,I have the homework for doing that is comment on the all sections or groups and group own does not comment about the verbal language and Non-verbal language that all groups have done it finished and I have commented them already so I can see the differences of doing the videos of each team that most of groups can do it so good and the groups really have the good ideas, action, and presentation about that so them made me know about the information are offered on the video in part the verbal language that are the sentences in the Thai language that is used in communication which is importance for the visitors know when them live it is about travelling ,exchange some money, ordered food , and teaching the greeting in Thai about introduce oneself with the common sentences that are used in everyday life “ผมชื่อ......., ผมมาจาก” that the foreigners should know ,and in part of the Non-verbal language for example; “wai, passing someone, throwing things, voice, point ” the those I take from some group so I have seen about the stories more from that and I can know meaning of them better.
The problem in commend the video about that and I have a problem about commend finished and after my opinion on the video that does not appear that it made me so serious about it and then I know that why is it like that? that I had known it because I commented it so long passage so I can clear it by I do it ,don’t short and long so I can do it.
The benefits of watching and commending them ,I can know more about verbal and non-verbal language ,nut only details but also developing in part of speaking and editing video so I think that it is so good for me and it made me about adapting in sides for should do at time.
Action of all groups that most of teams can do it so good and I think you all friends can work hard for presentation and I have gotten that I must be do it the best because whenever we do hard and the results are going so good after we done.
The good side or white that there are many that from video that can be taken to use in adapting to our work better and the bad side or dark that there are a little that about them so I known that how do I should on next time that it is better.
In finally, the information are written by me ,it seems to me that it can be used to adapt in the work or future and it is important for learning about it and the videos can be shared to the foreigners know more about our language that it really is important for own and them for living in the social Thai.