This time, you are on your own for creating the spreadsheet. You should use the same approach as in Problem 1.
We've placed some of the data in the spreadsheet, but you will need to create the correct formulas and put the correct information into the Solver form.
You will notice that there are six cells in the red box. You can view this as a hint. There are six decision variables.
You will probably want to put lables above the decision variables so that you can keep track of what each variable is.
You may also notice that there is a big black box labled "workspace".
You may want ot add coefficients of the constraintsor objective function in the workspace.
In this way, you can use the SUMPRODUCT function. You will be much less likely to make a mistake if all of the coefficients are listed in the workspace.
So, that's it for now. Best wishes.
See you next assignment or probably in a tutorial.