Research involvement
Ainscow, Booth, Dyson (2006) conducted research by collecting data from staff
and students in order to map the process of change in schools. Through this, the research
was able to provide deeper theoretical insight, into the impact of practitioner research as
a means of increasing student participation and learning. With this approach Ainscow,
Booth, and Dyson (2006) suggested research for creating inclusive practices which are as
Research into school practices in relation to the agenda of practitioners. This involved
a process of colleting evidence of school development in a way that is separate from,
and complementary to, the review and development processes used within the school.
It involved the university research teams in collecting evidence about developments
in the school and feeding this information back in a way that was intended to foster
and deepen the engagement of practitioners.
Research into school practices and the practices of researchers in relation to the
agenda of practitioners and researchers. This involved an ongoing mutual dialogue
Special Education in Thailand
between ‘Outsiders’ and ‘insiders’, as evidence is collected and discussed during
visits, or through e-mails and phone calls, to discuss progress and priorities. It
included an engagement with the thinking and actions of researchers as well as
Research into school practices in relation to the agenda of researcher. In
order to analyze school practices in relation to wider policy and the oretical contexts,
the research teams also found it necessary sometimes to adopt a more detached
perspective. p.196-197
Right now various research agenda provide funding for academics to work with
schools for both knowledge related to special education development and train teachers
so that they can manage inclusive classrooms effectively. A compulsory course is also
offered under the teacher-profession pre-service degree program. During the last five
years, public schools have grown more aware of children with special needs. Nowadays,
people with high-function autism are recognized as members of society as compared to the
past, this group of mentally limited was considered as an insane group. The condition, as
learning disabilities are well recognized by teachers and educators. In the past, this group
of students was judged as a mental disabled and a bad-behaviour group. The other group
of children which showed up in mainstream education is attention deficit/hypertension
disorder. It is not listed under the law as a group of diverse needs yet. But in the
education community, we recognized them and identified approaches to help them learn
according to their abilities. At the policy level, regulations for funding support for parents with
children with special needs are announced. The family can submit their letters and receive
some government funds for facilities and learning materials in practice schools can also
obtain facilities provided that they submit a project. As for teachers themselves, they and
stakeholders can develop an Individualized Educational Plan for each student and submit
them to the Special Education Center in their provinces. The fund is B/2,000 a case per
year. But only a small number of people would know about this support. But it was found
out that teachers and school communities do not have knowledge to develop Individualized
Educational Plans for helping students. However, the Ministry of Education is trying to
develop teachersí knowledge about special education. They allocated a special budget for
in-service training for special education. But with manpower limitations, they do not have
a monitoring and following-up program.
One important issue that needs to be addressed from the policy level is the
behavior and values of the public and educators toward inclusive education. Majority of
general public still do not have knowledge and hardly understand inclusive education. They
have been seeing students with special needs in separate institutes. Nowadays, when they
come across certain types of students with special needs in the mainstream, they do not
understand and sometimes people do not notice it. So the policy level needs a lot of
public relations and public dissemination information in communities and in the society as
a whole.
Once the public and community know and understand working with students with
diverse needs, it will not be so hard. However, the policy level should also provide some
special reward or motivation for those who teach enthusiastically to students with needs.
Knowledge and understanding towards it will lead to a proper values, caring and that unity
and collaboration in work should not be so difficult.
However the academics themselves should work continuously and develop a wider
network based on their research strategies with schools and develop relationships with
local policy-makers .Through the educational process, if coupled with vigorous cooperation
between, stakeholders, educators, and academics, the awareness of the process and success
of the program should inevitably be reached and obtained.