Hej My Dear Lovely Wife Cholticha, thanks a lot for Your mail and I beg my pardon for not aswered You earlier. I know You are working very much and also very hard I Believe, and so do I. Honey, You are talking a lot of our marriage below in Your latest mail, and You also know that it my highest wish to marry You. But I Think You forget one thing in this and that is the big rock I not have gome over yet, which is the dawry. You see Honey, I've a quite tuff financial time here, even if every month gets me a Little bit better situation, but it's going too slow. Now it is as it is, so I or we have to accept it and try to find out good solutions during the time. I miss You extremely much all the time, and You are complete inside my heart and brain all the time.
During last weekend when Johan and I was in Another Town and watched ice hockey together with an overnight I took up this issue with him, and he still not feel complete comfortable about You and me, and he also know that he told me when I was in Bangkok last time to not marry You that time, just come home and let Everything be as it was. Now he knows that the past is really the past and nothing can change that. After some discussion, not so Deep level, he said that he has to meet You Before we get married if Everything should work out the best for You, me and our family. He od course not make this decision, but I need to listen to him and respect him, inother case he will not respect me or You. But everyday is working for us!
From my Point of view I'm looking for a travel to You and meet You in Bangkok, for lets say 7 Days or so, it depends also on the work situation around the actual time. I can not see that we get married that time, but we can make a Deep and realistic planning for it as soon as possible.
Then I want to take the real discussion with Johan and also let him meet You. We can take a short travel to Bangkok together and let him see and understand our feelings for each other. I hope You understand this Honey, and please comment it, what I've been said in the mail.
From Your mail You say that You are not comfortable with the situation at Your work. Can You please explain for me Why You have this feeling?
Honey, this week I will be travel on Thuesday and Thursday in business and on Friday afternoon Johan and I will go with our local icehockey team supporter buss to Another Town and Watch and support the team.
Honey, I can tell You that I miss You so much and I also miss Your Lovely family too, expecially Your mother. I Think You and Your mother have a lot together and are very similar. I Love You.
Take care and please don't work so hard and much, Think about Yourself. I know it's easy to say but havier to realize.
Kisses and hugs my Dear Lovely Wife Cholticha, from Yours husband Jan