The effect of DTP and Rovabio ExcelTM on live
performance and mortality are shown in Table 3. The
supplementation of DTP to broiler diets up to 16% had no
significant effects on FI, BWG and FCR during the
starter, growing and entire experimental periods.
Inclusion of 24% DTP into the diet significantly decreased
FI at starter and entire experimental periods. Also, inclusion
of 24% DTP into the diets significantly decreased
BWG and increased FCR at all periods. The results of the
present study are in good accordance with those of Dotas
et al. (1999) who reported that the inclusion of DTP up to
12% in laying hen diets had no significant adverse effect
on egg production, feed consumption and efficiency, egg
weight, and egg shell thickness. Our results also agree
with those obtained by Persia et al. (2003) who reported
that the 20% DTP-fed group had a lower body weight
gain as compared to control group. In contrast, several
studies have shown that supplementation of DTP to
broiler (Squires et al., 1992) and laying hen (Nobakht and
Safamehr, 2007) diets leads to better performance. The
growth depression of broilers fed diets containing 24%
DTP may be explained by the reduction in feed
The effect of DTP and Rovabio ExcelTM on live
performance and mortality are shown in Table 3. The
supplementation of DTP to broiler diets up to 16% had no
significant effects on FI, BWG and FCR during the
starter, growing and entire experimental periods.
Inclusion of 24% DTP into the diet significantly decreased
FI at starter and entire experimental periods. Also, inclusion
of 24% DTP into the diets significantly decreased
BWG and increased FCR at all periods. The results of the
present study are in good accordance with those of Dotas
et al. (1999) who reported that the inclusion of DTP up to
12% in laying hen diets had no significant adverse effect
on egg production, feed consumption and efficiency, egg
weight, and egg shell thickness. Our results also agree
with those obtained by Persia et al. (2003) who reported
that the 20% DTP-fed group had a lower body weight
gain as compared to control group. In contrast, several
studies have shown that supplementation of DTP to
broiler (Squires et al., 1992) and laying hen (Nobakht and
Safamehr, 2007) diets leads to better performance. The
growth depression of broilers fed diets containing 24%
DTP may be explained by the reduction in feed
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