Here, we report the identification of seven mutation of the G6PD gene and different mutations causing different G6PD enzyme activity and degree of roughness in erythrocyte membrane. Therefore we can use the G6PD enzyme activity and AFM for researching the relationship between G6PD genotype and Phynotype . A different in membrane structure of red blood cells between the healthy and inividual's deficiency of g6pd was seen by using AFM. Roughness measurements of erythrocytes from g6pd deficiency are increase when compared to control erythrocyte. Significant changes were seen on surface roughness indicating a rearrangement of the lipid-bilayer composition and the altered structure and functional status of the membrane .......
We believe that ultra structural analysis of RBCs in genetic diseases can no longer be igbored and should from a fundamental research tool in clinical studies. Efficacy of treatment regimens on the integrity , cell shape, cell roughness is crucial to the overall wellness of the g6pd deficiency patient. The research has contributed to uncovering the mechanism of g6pd deficiency