Pursue a Career in Your Profession
The first aspect of the right career objective is that it should be in line with the job that you have applied for. For example, if you have applied for a job in an IT company, you should make sure that your career objectives reflect that you have taken academic degrees and have always wanted to pursue a career in the IT field. In the same manner, if you are trying to pursue marketing or even a creative field, you should make sure that your career objective summary reflects the same.
“To build a long-term career in ‘your profession’ with opportunities for career growth”
Modern Technologies
People working in the business of technology should use the career objective paragraph to speak about the technologies that they would like to have a chance to learn about.
Along with technology, the professional should make it clear that he or she would be more than interested in the amount of new skills that the job will offer to them. One should also add that learning new technologies would be beneficial for the individual as well as the company.
“To keep up with the cutting edge of technologies”
Senior Level
Similarly, if you are trying to join a company at a senior level, you would do well to write in your career objectives something to the effect of looking for a company that offers you the perfect environment for employing your abilities and experience for the betterment of the business, the company, and therefore your own career goals.
“To use my skills in the best possible way for achieving the company’s goals”