What do you consider most important your career ?
what do you consider your greatest achievement ?
May I ask you what your greatest weakness is ?
May I ask you What your sales average is
Could you tell me what job you are doing ?
Could you tell me What salary you would like ?
May I ask if you are married ?
What do you consider to be the best thing about your job ?
Could you tell me about your last job ?
May I ask you what your greatest achievement is ?
Could you tell me What salary you expect ?
Describe your personality to me .
Well, I 'm a dedicated worker and a people person.
I enjoy working as a team.
I also like to be in contact with the public
and I hope to find a full-time job now
I graduated from Ubon University in 2012 with a BA in computer Science
How was your experience there ?
I learned a lot, It was challenging and rewarding.
How has your education helped with your work ?