One participant’s data was removed from the analysis because she appeared to
confuse the exclusion and inclusion directions. For analysis, the exclusion and inclusion
test accuracies were used to compute probabilities of recollection and familiarity.
Because the participant is asked not to include any words that they recollect are in the
list, in the exclusion case, the exclusion is the probability of familiarity without the
probability of recollection and familiarity (P(F) – P(F∩R)). In the inclusion case, the
participant will put down a word from the list if he or she either recollects it or it is
familiar, so inclusion is the probability of recollection or familiarity (P(F∪R) = P(F) +
P(R) – P(F∩R)). If you subtract exclusion from inclusion you can then find the
probability of recollection ([P(F) + P(R) – P(F∩R)] – [P(F) – P(F∩R)] = P(R)). To find
the probability of familiarity,