The quick meal carried, the meal was fresh, the flavor was also very good, here was Demon King Palace, Hua Rumei is the vice- palace host, here chef naturally was the top.
„Drinks a bar, heals from a wound also raises the face.” Qing Shui was saying puts out altar tiger-bone liquor, the man drinks to fortify yang, the woman drinks to raise the face, and builds up strength.
Naturally with should not be too many.
„Quite fragrant, I taste.” Hua Rumei has a look at Qing Shui, happy saying, she now actually at heart is also a little disturbed, she knows the meaning of Qing Shui, but she knows possible minimal, but Qing Shui has helped her, must make contribution, can the achievement look at her good fortune.
Qing Shui helped her pour one cup, then helped the woman but actually one cup, finally gave itself also but actually one cup.
„Come, even if congratulates my body to be restored to health, does one cup.” Hua Rumei holds up the wine class with a smile, but in that smiling face has this point to ponder.
The women lift slowly: „Today is a happy day.”
Qing Shui also holds up the wine class: „Congratulates your body recovery.”
Two females drink slowly is very very graceful, Qing Shui drinks up all of a sudden, pours can also appreciate slowly, the Qing Shui liquor cannot dispute, slow that Hua Rumei starts to drink, behind direct drinks up.
Woman drinking up slowly, she has had the drink actually the appearance is shock of not being able saying that is also a beautiful, that is the aesthetic sense that you could not say, arrogantly to letting the human prostrated oneself.
„The year of this liquor sufficiently and several thousand years of year compares favorably, this is I have drunk the second good liquor.” Hua Rumei happy saying, these words said actually.
„This liquor has, you want to drink me to deliver to you.” Qing Shui said with a smile, although she said second well, but had not asked that first good is anything, he does not think that his liquor is best.
Other last time Qing Shui to Demon senior Bag of Storage, inside not only has the compounded drug, but also has many nice wines.
„My this was second time drinks this liquor, the palace main previous time asked me to drink, was too mean-spirited, only asked me to drink one time, that was first good.” Hua Rumei ponders looks at Qing Shui.
Qing Shui knows before , her look is a little why different, originally first good and second good is the same type of liquor.
Qing Shui shakes the head: „I and palace opinion over several surface.”
The women are very quiet: „You almost took away half to be many.”
Hua Rumei awkward smiling: „You did not like drinking, put badly too have wasted.”
The women did not argue with her, Qing Shui through this matter knows that two female relations can say was the same like the sisters, was only the Demon senior temper impossible like the common sisters that harmonious, but he can feel, component of Hua Rumei in her heart was very heavy, on the mouth did not say.
„Here has many, one will take to you.” Qing Shui said hastily.
Stayed was not quite long, after finishing eating the food , the woman left, here remaining Qing Shui and Hua Rumei.
„Qing Shui, the palace main casually will not receive the person thing, said that has any relations with the palace host, unexpectedly can receive your thing.” In Hua Rumei eye specially surprised, before did not have to be now surprised, obviously before endured to be very long.
„In her is excessively poisonous, I help her Xie Guodu, is this does not know the understanding, altogether with words not over several that I said.” Qing Shui said is also the truth, but the process of this explanation makes the human unable to think.