First of all, thank you very much for your stay in Bangkok over this weekend. I have several advice for you on how to talk with me.
First, when I ask you a question, I expect you to answer my question, not doing anything else.
Second, I will ask you about Thai language when I really want to know it. I am not ready to know it when I am not asking for it. This is why I rarely explain you Japanese words because you don't usually ask for it.
Third, when you ask me whether I love you or not, you are just giving me pressure. We are together because I love you. It is obvious. And I will tell you that I love you when I really want to say it. I understand that you sometimes want to confirm our love, but I would appreciate if you could ask it less often.
I believe that you would have several requests from your point of view. You are welcome to let me know them.