Visit at the Stradivari Museums of Cremona
Art Museum visit: Stradivari Museum of CremonaThis museum shows a unique collection of tools used by Stradivari: documents, objects, working tools, wooden and paper models related to him, the liutaio from Cremona, Stradivari (1644-1737).
This collection was bought by the Count Cozio di Salabue, and chenged owners many times, to arrive finally at the liutaio Giuseppe Fiorini from Bologna, which gave it as a present to the city of Cremona in 1930.
A learning hall presents the various steps to creat a violin ( aso with Braille signes) and a video on the art of Liuteria.
A plesant visit to the city of Cremona with its,useum can be a splendid chance to enjoy the specialties of the local cusine; the well known stew of mixed meats, the fruit mostards which is very good with the stew, and the fantastic "torrone".