4. Results
Four items were used to measure university students’
perceived susceptibility to buy alcohol with various retail
sales promotion strategies. The items were:
1 “I am more likely to buy alcohol that is on special via a
price reduction”;
2 “I am more likely to buy alcohol that is on a quantity
special for example buy two for $50 or four for $80”;
3 “I buy more alcohol when it is on special than when it is at
its normal price”; and
4 “I buy alcohol at more than one store to take advantage of
low prices”.
The respondents were asked to rate them using a seven-point
scale where 1 ¼ strongly disagree and 7 ¼ strongly agree.
Respondents’ level of agreement for buying alcohol when it
is on special via price reduction was highest for university
students from Wales (71.3 per cent), followed by Australia
(65.8 per cent), with Germany having the lowest level of
agreement at 31.3 per cent (see Table I). The mean scores,
however, show a fairly similar score for this item across the
three countries. In terms of mean scores for intention to buy
alcohol, almost similar levels of agreement were found if there
is a quantity special (e.g. “Buy two for $50 or four for $80”)
or if “the alcohol is on special than when it is at its normal
price”). The figures also suggest that the students from the
Welsh university are also willing to buy alcohol from more
than one store to take advantage of low prices.