SEA SKIFF is quickly built over forms for
construction of one or for several boats. It is
planked with waterproof plywood and will
retain its leakproof qualities even if left to dry
in the sun for long periods. An ingenious method
of framing makes for a sturdy boat and provides
a hull that will give many years of trouble-free
The general design presents a sturdy skiff that
may be used on any waters anywhere. The boat
may be rowed, powered with air-cooled inboard
motors or outboard engines, or rigged for sailing.
As a sailer it is dry, light, and fast in a good
Start construction by obtaining the materials
listed in the Materials List. Then saw the form
(Fig. 2) to shape and mount it on 2 x 4 legs at a
convenient working height. To construct the
mould frames, stem and transom (Figs. 3 and 4)
accurately, draw full-size paper patterns of these
parts, lay your material upon outlines, mark and
cut to shape, reassemble on the pattern and
fasten. The transom is cut from ¾-in. plywood
with a ¾ x 3-in. frame, fastened with #8x1½ fh
screws, inserted from the aft side of the transom.
Saw the mould frames from 1x6; fasten at chine
joints with 3/8-in. plywood gussets. If these
moulds are to be used several times, glue and
screwfasten the gussets, afterward attaching
cross pieces to prevent misalignment. The stem
is sawed to shape as shown in Fig. 3.
USES: Seaworthy craft for use on any waters anywhere,
for boat liveries as well as for personal use.
TYPE: Skiff.
LENGTH: 13 ft. 9 in. to outside stem.
BEAM: 60 in.
SEATING CAPACITY: Five passengers.
POWER: Oars, outboard, air-cooled inboard, or sail.
Now mount the transom, mould frames and
stem on the form and hold in place by bracing.
With everything secured, spring a light batten
over the framework and mark correct beveling so
that plywood will lie evenly and fair at all points.
With all parts beveled, cut notches for clamps,
chines and keel in all parts. Spring the keel in
place and attach to transom, frames and stem
notches with two #10x2-in. fh screws at each
joint. Be careful not to attach any members to
the moulds, as the hull is later to be lifted clear
of the form and moulds when planked.
Now secure the chines. Fasten both chines
simultaneously to prevent wringing framework
out of shape. Use one #10x2-in.fh screw at
transom joints, bevel the ends to fit the stem and
fasten in the same way. If the chines have a
tendency to slip off the mould-frame notches,
hold temporarily with small angle irons screwed
to moulds and chines (see detail, Fig. 2). When
hull is planked, simply remove the screws and lift
the hull clear. Continue by attaching clamps in
SEA SKIFF is quickly built over forms for
construction of one or for several boats. It is
planked with waterproof plywood and will
retain its leakproof qualities even if left to dry
in the sun for long periods. An ingenious method
of framing makes for a sturdy boat and provides
a hull that will give many years of trouble-free
The general design presents a sturdy skiff that
may be used on any waters anywhere. The boat
may be rowed, powered with air-cooled inboard
motors or outboard engines, or rigged for sailing.
As a sailer it is dry, light, and fast in a good
Start construction by obtaining the materials
listed in the Materials List. Then saw the form
(Fig. 2) to shape and mount it on 2 x 4 legs at a
convenient working height. To construct the
mould frames, stem and transom (Figs. 3 and 4)
accurately, draw full-size paper patterns of these
parts, lay your material upon outlines, mark and
cut to shape, reassemble on the pattern and
fasten. The transom is cut from ¾-in. plywood
with a ¾ x 3-in. frame, fastened with #8x1½ fh
screws, inserted from the aft side of the transom.
Saw the mould frames from 1x6; fasten at chine
joints with 3/8-in. plywood gussets. If these
moulds are to be used several times, glue and
screwfasten the gussets, afterward attaching
cross pieces to prevent misalignment. The stem
is sawed to shape as shown in Fig. 3.
USES: Seaworthy craft for use on any waters anywhere,
for boat liveries as well as for personal use.
TYPE: Skiff.
LENGTH: 13 ft. 9 in. to outside stem.
BEAM: 60 in.
SEATING CAPACITY: Five passengers.
POWER: Oars, outboard, air-cooled inboard, or sail.
Now mount the transom, mould frames and
stem on the form and hold in place by bracing.
With everything secured, spring a light batten
over the framework and mark correct beveling so
that plywood will lie evenly and fair at all points.
With all parts beveled, cut notches for clamps,
chines and keel in all parts. Spring the keel in
place and attach to transom, frames and stem
notches with two #10x2-in. fh screws at each
joint. Be careful not to attach any members to
the moulds, as the hull is later to be lifted clear
of the form and moulds when planked.
Now secure the chines. Fasten both chines
simultaneously to prevent wringing framework
out of shape. Use one #10x2-in.fh screw at
transom joints, bevel the ends to fit the stem and
fasten in the same way. If the chines have a
tendency to slip off the mould-frame notches,
hold temporarily with small angle irons screwed
to moulds and chines (see detail, Fig. 2). When
hull is planked, simply remove the screws and lift
the hull clear. Continue by attaching clamps in
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