We should observe, though, that from the point of view of social justice, the
efficiency criterion might be somewhat limited. First, because analysts typically
estimate people's "utility" by inferring their willingness to pay money for some
benefit (or to be spared some deprivation), people with less money do not, in
an analytical sense, have as much clout as thosewith more. ~ushto w big; limitation
this analytical anti-egalitarianism turns out to be will depend on particular cases,
however. ~ecobd,jfth e values at stake have few or no human defenders, and
therefore @ human pocketbooks to back an estimate of willingness to pay, the
efficiency criterion might underestimate thesevalues even if by some conception
of justice they ought to be weighted heavily. In theory, ecological values are the
main example, although in fact some ecological values do have human defenders
who derive enormous utility from preserving them, a utility that would be accounted
for in a proper efficiency analysis