Steps in doll making
There are four main stages in making these miniature dolls.
• Stage 1 Preparing the clay - The clay is soaked in water for about seven days to make the clay malleable, the water is strained off and the clay is ready for moulding.
• Stage 2 Moulding the clay into shapes – The clay is now moulded into the desired shapes. Usually the head of the doll is moulded first then the body and lastly the arms and legs.
• Stage 3 Heating the dolls – The dolls are now placed in a furnace to be heated for three – four hours.
• Stage 4 Painting the dolls – The dolls are soaked in paint usually white, to provide the base layer. This is to ensure the subsequent coats of paint can be absorbed. When this base layer is dry, various colours are applied according to the type of doll or object made.
Displays in the Court Dolls Centre
Here are some of the beautiful dolls made by the residents of Ban Bang Sadet. They have also diversified from court dolls to dolls of people in everyday life