Roberta: You can look over some of these phone messages I have received. These are some of our best customers, and they do not think we are taking very good care of them.
Berry: Roberta, we have a big contest going on, and I do not intend to lose it. You had better bring in your share of the new business to win or you will let down your entire branch.
Roberta could see she was not getting anywhere and changed the subject.
1. What would you do if you were Roberta?
2. What would you do if you were Betty?
Situation: Read Case 9.2
Characters: Roberta; Betty
Scene: Location – Betty’s office. Action – Continuation of Roberta and Betty’s conversation. Role play Roberta not changing the subject and pursuing her concerns.
Upon completion of the role play, address the following question:
1. Roberta is not getting anywhere with Betty; should she go to Betty’s boss?
2. Why can’t Roberta go back to her old way of doing things and spend the time with her existing customers like she wants to?