The Global Independence Policy (the “Policy” or “GIP”) has been recommended by the Network Leadership Team and approved by the Global Board. As such, the Policy contains minimum standards for all PwC firms with which all PwC firms have agreed to comply. PwC firms will supplement it as necessary depending on local circumstances (such as a need to comply with more restrictive local professional and regulatory requirements).
The International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (“IESBA”), a Standard-setting Board of the International Federation of Accountants (“IFAC”), has established a Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (the “Code”) which serves as a set of minimum standards for IFAC member bodies and firms to adopt. PwC’s global independence policy is based upon and complies with the IESBA Code.
The IESBA Code of Ethics states that inadvertent violations of the independence requirements do not necessarily impair independence if the firm has appropriate quality controls to limit threats to independence that would otherwise result from these violations. In order for this “safe harbour” to apply, inadvertent violations should be resolved promptly, and appropriate safeguards should be applied when such violations do occur.