Of the inorganic salts employed in medicine, only bismuth chloride, oxychloride, and nitrate pentahydrate have definitive compositions. Bismuth chloride (BiCl3) and nitrate [Bi(NO3)3] are prepared from bismuth oxide by reaction with the corresponding mineral acids. The crystal structure of Bi(NO3)3‚ 5H2O517 confirms the ionicity in the solid state, with one unique bismuth atom chelated symmetrically by two nitrate ions and asymmetrically by the third.Four-coordinated water molecules give a coordination number of 10 for bismuth. BiCl3 567 is molecular in the solid state, in which bismuth has three closely bound chlorine atoms (Bi-Cl 2.468, 2.513, 2.518 Å)in a near pyramidal arrangement and five long chlorine contacts (Bi-Cl 3.216-3.450 Å) for a trigonal prismatic eight-coordinate environment