The Internet enables frequent and customized changes of messages targeted at specific consumers.
If linked to e-mail access, it also enables the consumer to have ready access to the site
host, leading to an ongoing and evolving relationship between marketer and customer.
Internal marketing has also befriended the Web, with intranets – in-company Internet
networks – facilitating routine communications, fostering group communications, providing
uniform computer applications, distributing the latest software, or informing colleagues
of marketing developments and new product launches.
1 Communicate to millions of potential and existing customers across geographies,
or with only a single customer one-to-one.
2 Instantly update propositions and messages to flag new developments or
reflect market challenges.
Respond immediately to a competitor’s move and altered marketing mix.
4 Attract new interest while cementing relationships with existing customers.
5 Address multiple audiences and stakeholders rather than only one (as is often the case
with other marketing communications).
6 Tap into numerous networks and influencing bodies.