ARK: Reborn Features List
Dino stat overhaul (tamed dinos are weaker, wild dinos are MUCH stronger)
Taming overhaul (affinity values adjusted for foods to create more balance and a more reasonable gameplay experience)
-ALL kibble gives more affinity than prime meat, prefferred kibble gives significantly more though
-Kibble is eaten much faster by dinos because they appreciate all the hard work put into making it
-Vegetables are now the equivalent of prime meat for herbivores
Difficulty level set to 5 (max level 150 dinos)
Supply Drop loot tables re-worked to drop level appropriate items (no more water jars in red drops)
Dino Colors have been tweaked to give them a more vibrant look, their color sets have also been broadened
Passive taming method added to all herbivores (still a bit buggy though)
Tameable cave creatures (bats, spiders, & snakes)
Titanoboa rideable, no saddle required (USE CAUTION! He climbs up just about anything and trees have a tendancy to launch him sky high)
Alpha Dino's re-skinned and reworked (Alpha's are VERY strong, please treat them with the respect they deserve)
Alpha Dimorphodon added in. They are tameable and rideable!
Tranq Rifle (lvl 70, very expensive, does a TON of torpor. Recommended for large, high level dinos)
Tranq Dart (also lvl 70, also expensive, but it does VERY minimal damage to a Dino while delivering LOTS of narcotics)
Carbon Fiber Tranq Arrow (upgraded tranq arrow for the compound bow. Custom skin, low damage, about 2x's the torpor of the regular tranq arrow)
Electronic Paddoc Fence (yes, an electrified Dino fence! Does damage to all things that touch it! Lights up when powered)
Industrial AC (much larger AC for bigger bases, also more efficient at climatizing the more severe temperatures)
Industrial Dehydrator (just like the grill, the I.D. makes MUCH more jerky at once)
Industrial Stove (for cooking excessive amounts of kibble much faster)
Small AC (regular AC slightly modified to have a slightly boosted, more reasonable range)
Small Safe (just like the vault, but smaller)
Primitive Dehydrator (very similar to the preserving bin, but able to cook up to 3 jerky's at once)