It was noticed by her manager that Carla Smith’s work output had been dropping over the previous 3 weeks which coincided with the provision of broadband Internet to Carla’s department.It is visually established that she is spending many hours Internet surfing which is specifically banned under her terms of employment
She is cautioned appropriately but she continues with the unauthorised activity . workmates also note that pornographic images are seen on her Pc after the second caution. The company subsequently dismisses her and within 14 days the company receives formal advice that it would be served with a charge of unjustified dismissal.
The manager convinces the lawyers of Carla that all correct procedures were followed and that the Internet use was clearly beyond any amount or type that could be considered reasonable. Carla’s
Computer Forensics NZ Ltd (CFNZ ) to analyse her PC for evidence of excessive Internet activity and deliberate entry to pornographic sites. Analysis of her PC by CFNZ shows that incontestable evidence exists proving conclusively that the company’s assertions were correct. Finally, costs are awarded to the employer.