Statement of Problem The counsellor occupies a very strategic position in any educational system. The Federal Government is aware of this fact, this is why the reemphasis is on the need for guidance and counselling services in the new national policy on education (6-3-3-4) system. It is also clear from the Federal Ministry of Education that counsellors should operate on full-time basis. Also most principals and teachers are aware of the counsellor‟s functions/services. Despite this fact, it has been observed that the programme/services are not encouraged at the secondary school level.
Apart from academic problems of failure and dropout of students, from schools, other numerous psyco-social; vocational and personal-social problems abound among students in our secondary schools. Parents and significant others in recent times have been so concerned about academic problems of students. The control or resolution of these problems is always channelled to mainly school authorities and teachers while the seeking of counsellors‟ attention is always ignored. This study therefore attempts to look at students‟ attitude towards guidance and counselling services which is primarily meant for them. Finding out their attitude may therefore point to areas of conflict, confusion, ignorance and differences that could be mirrored to enhance success in a student‟s academic life and general behaviour.