Adolescent pregnancy is also dangerous for th
e child: in low- and middle-income countries
stillbirths and death in the first week and firs
t month of life are 50% higher among babies born to
mothers younger than 20 years than those born to
mothers aged 20–29 years, and the younger the
mother, the higher the risk. The rates of preterm birth, low birth weight and asphyxia are higher among
the children of adolescent girls; all these conditions
increase the chance of death or future health
problems for the baby. Pregnant adolescent girls are more likely than older women to smoke and drink
alcohol, practices that can contribute to stillbirth, lo
w birth weight and other health problems in the
child. By lowering child mortality, interventions to
prevent early pregnancies also contribute to the
attainment of Goal 4 (Reduce child mortality).