Rather than providing support for evolution, patterns of similarity seen throughout the living world, in addition to providing evidence for a single designer (see main text), actually resist naturalistic explanations, as the widespread occurrence of homoplasy indicates. To explain; quite often, animals have similar organs or structures which, in the thinking of evolutionists, cannot be explained by common ancestry. A good example is the ‘camera-eye’ which has a lens and retina, a design found in both humans and octopuses (see fig. 5). Since humans and octopuses are not thought to have inherited their eyes from a common ancestor, these are not regarded as homologous. Instead, evolutionists would refer to them as an example of homoplasy. This is also known as ‘convergent evolution’ because it is understood that the evolutionary process has ‘converged’ upon the same design independently. There are numerous examples of alleged homoplasy.8 Bats and dolphins both have echolocation systems that work in a similar way to man-made sonars.9 Some fish generate electricity, which they use to stun prey or ward off attackers, an ability that has supposedly evolved independently six times.10 Similarly, tuna and mako sharks both move their tail fin with strong red central muscles attached to the fin with tendons. Yet in evolutionary terms, they could not have gained this (unusual for fish) mechanism from a common ancestor.11 The likelihood of evolutionary processes producing this level of similarity, based on chance mutations filtered by selection in randomly varying environments, seems very remote. Eyes are believed by some researchers to have evolved independently some sixty different times.12