Many rich pets live like celebrities. They travel first class on airlines, stay in luxury hotels, go to fancy parties, and visit exotic places. They wear designer clothing, which ranges from alligator collars to cashmere sweaters. They use herbal shampoos and eat nothing but the best. They have personal trainers and have public relations people to get their name in the media. Some of them even donate money to charity. The law recognizes pets as legal beneficiaries of wills and even to take tax deductions when "they" donate to charity. Many people think that elevating animals to the same category as humans is okay in animal cartoons and movies, but these should not be confused with real life. They say that it's morally unacceptable for rich people to spend so much on their pets while thousands of people are starving around the world When asked about this issue, an RSPCA director said that she didn't know how a dog t would use $340 million, but if people wanted to leave that kind of money to their pets, that was their choice.