The proximate composition
of date syrup is summarized
in Table 6.
Sugar was the predominant component
in all prepared date syrups.
Indeed, the sugar
showed more that 62.14 g/100 g fresh
weight for the three varieties
whatever extraction method.
For the same variety,
significant difference (P < 0.05) in reducing sugars
content was observed
between the different treatments.
The date syrup prepared
after extraction with pectinase and cellulase
mixture gave the highest reducing sugar
amounts (Table 6).
The increase in reducing sugars
contents may be due
to hydrolysis of pectin and cellulose
with liberation of sugars
and by inversion of
sucrose by the action
of citric acid.
This richness in reducing sugar
could be contributed
to the reduction
of the syrup crystallisation phenomenon.