Thanks for the link chingus. I was wondering if it was going to be on Hanbam. But actually, the YT clip is missing a few minutes prior to when they started talking about it. I don't know why SBS cut that part off in this clip? Anyways, here's a recap of the SBS hanbam TV show. The segment actually starts off by saying that even in Korea there were articles of how the two looked good together but there was never an article about dating rumors but that Chinese newspapers reported them dating and that they were dating secretly for 2 months. What are the 2 agencies saying about this?
girl from PSH agency: "In China, all of a sudden without any basis, a lot of news articles came out so I know our agency notified the Chinese agency that the dating rumors are not true. From our stand, we know its not the truth and that its just a passing "happening"? We are thinking to this extent."
(The girl representative from SALT actually said "happening"! see the text in orange. LOL!)