Some of activities have already been completed: Situation analysis on corporal punishment to include in-depth review of approaches, tools and materials and literature review on corporal punishment, integration of corporal punishment into the Strategy of Violence against Children and plan of Action developed; KAP survey on corporal punishment (schedules to be completed by the end of April). However, there are still some ongoing activities, implementation of which is progressing. They have been integrated into the Holistic National Child Protection System work plan submitted for your signature. These activities are: Promote, influence and advocate a platform against corporal punishment and media communications for heightening awareness (integrated into the Violence against Children campaign); Development of policies, strategies and mechanisms to strengthen law enforcement, monitoring and reporting and capacity development for teachers and caregivers (integrated in the development of Child Safeguarding policy); regular monitoring of public schools, welfare institutions and juvenile justice facilities on implementation of policies (integrated in to the overall Violence against Children campaign and the development of the child protection policy and strategy). However, kindly note that since there are still some unliquidated commitments under the work plan on corporal punishment, this one will be extended up to end of 2014 for a remaining budget of approximately US$ 105,805 to cover the remaining activities.