Lesson Plan
Week Topic Function Activity
1 Starter Unit -greeting and introductions -Warm up, introduce oneself, and go on
2-4 Day after day
- Profile
- Help around the house
- Fun days
- I’d love to -phone friends
-tell the time
-Pronunciation -Discuss the definition of Day after day
5-8 Let’s celebrate
-Special Days
- Celebrations
- Festivals -make a speech
-invite-accept an invitation
-Pronunciation -Pre tests
-Discuss the Let’s celebrate
9 Mid-Term
10-12 Characters larger than life
-Fame -describe past activities
-describe a film you saw
-Intonation in question -Lecture, discuss and assignment
13-16 Unexplained mysteries
-Stories -narrate past experiences
-express emotions respond
-Pronunciation -Lecture, discuss and assignment
-Read aloud
17-19 Our planet
-Can we help?
-Good Idea! -make predictions
-make suggestions
-Pronunciaton -Lecture, discuss and assignment
20 Final Examination