Compared to other studies (Dehdari et al.,
2009; Nickel et al., 2006), the duration of
training in this study was relatively short
(15.8 3.0 days) and thus no long-term effects
were studied. Nickel et al. (2006) reported
that an 8-week progressive muscle relaxation
intervention significantly improved quality of
life in pregnant women with bronchial asthma.
Dehdari et al. (2009) reported that a 6-week
intervention improved quality of life in anxious
cardiac patients. In our study, progressive
muscle relaxation training significantly
improved the patients’ anxiety and quality of
life within a short inpatient stay (15.8 3.0days) and thereby confirmed its effectiveness as
an adjuvant therapy for inpatients with ectopic
pregnancy receiving methotrexate treatment.