Ask the students which places tourists can visit in their city, town or village. They
could choose a capital city with world famous places or just their local area. Compile
of list on the board – let a volunteer write and the others dictate.
• Tell the class to imagine that they are on a guided tour visiting the places listed on
the board. Some people are tour guides and others are tourists. First they need to do
some preparation.
• Ask for volunteers (4 students in a class of 16, 8 in a class of 32) to be tour guides.
The rest of the class are tourists. Give the appropriate part of the role play worksheet
to the students.
• Tour guides prepare their speeches in pairs or small groups. Tourists prepare their
questions in small groups. Encourage tourists to prepare lots of questions because
they want to practise their English! If tour guides finish their preparation quickly, ask
them to memorise their speech. Monitor the groups and help where necessary. Set a
time limit for preparation.
• Put students in small groups (with one tour guide and several tourists) to act out the ent in most tasks.