According to two-way ANOVA, the values of Xe for each relative humidity were not significantly different (p > 0.05) at studied drying temperatures, while for each temperature the Xe increased as RH increased. It is widely accept that an increase in temperature results an decrease of Xe at a particular RH. In fact, at aw above 0.7 these differences can be clearly observed (Fig. 1), due to the water molecules are activated at higher energy levels, allowing them to break away from their sorption sites, hence decreasing the Xe (Yogendrarajah et al., 2015). The values found in this work are in accordance with those reported in the literature (Baini and Langrish, 2007; Cardoso and Pena, 2014) for banana. It is worth to note, that the Xe decreases as the relative humidity decreases, as expected, since at higher driving force, the water content in the product is more easily expelled from the inner structure.