The aim of the present paper is to show how the adverse
effect of the introduction of AGM separators in VRLA batteries can
be avoided by the use of a separator comprising two electrolyte
spaces between the positive and negative plates, divided by amembrane
which controls the exchange of ions between these two
spaces. A three-layered AGM separator has been developed comprising:
one thin layer of AGM, facing the negative plate, which
forms the cathodic space in the cell containing a small volume of
H2SO4 electrolyte; a second thicker AGM layer, facing the positive
plate, which forms the anodic space containing a larger amount
of electrolyte; and a third very thin layer (0.2mm) of modified
AGM separator with membrane properties inserted between the
above two AGM layers thus separating the anodic and cathodic
spaces. This membrane layer controls the transfer of H2SO4, H+,
O2 and H2O flows between the anodic and cathodic spaces in the
cell. The membrane AGM layer is processed with an appropriate
polymeric emulsion to acquire balanced hydrophobic/hydrophilic
The aim of the present paper is to show how the adverseeffect of the introduction of AGM separators in VRLA batteries canbe avoided by the use of a separator comprising two electrolytespaces between the positive and negative plates, divided by amembranewhich controls the exchange of ions between these twospaces. A three-layered AGM separator has been developed comprising:one thin layer of AGM, facing the negative plate, whichforms the cathodic space in the cell containing a small volume ofH2SO4 electrolyte; a second thicker AGM layer, facing the positiveplate, which forms the anodic space containing a larger amountof electrolyte; and a third very thin layer (0.2mm) of modifiedAGM separator with membrane properties inserted between theabove two AGM layers thus separating the anodic and cathodicspaces. This membrane layer controls the transfer of H2SO4, H+,O2 and H2O flows between the anodic and cathodic spaces in thecell. The membrane AGM layer is processed with an appropriatepolymeric emulsion to acquire balanced hydrophobic/hydrophilicproperties.
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