Caucasian subjects with T2DM without cardiac symptoms
who were enrolled in the Asker and Baerum
Cardiovascular Diabetes (ABCD) study in 2002-2004
[12] and still alive, were eligible for participation in this
7-year cross-sectional follow-up study (ABCD-2). Classification
of subjects as being asymptomatic was based on
patient history and clinical assessment (i.e., free from
cardio-pulmonary symptoms) [13]. In addition to
T2DM, diagnosed in accordance with diagnostic criteria
by the World Health Organization [14], the inclusion criteria
in the ABCD-study were age 18-75 years and at least
one additional CV risk factor (hypertension [treated or
24 h systolic/diastolic blood pressure ≥140/90 mmHg],
dyslipidaemia [treated or total cholesterol ≥ 5.0 mmol/L,
HDL-cholesterol ≤1.0 mmol/L in men, or ≤1.1 mmol/L in
women or triglycerides ≥2.0 mmol/L], past or prior smoking,
premature CAD in 1st degree family [male < 55 years,
female < 65 years], or microalbuminuria). Exclusion criteria
in this imaging follow-up study were irregular heart rate,
pregnancy, known allergy to iodinated contrast medium
and elevated serum creatinine (female > 120 μmol/L,
male > 130 μmol/L).
The study complied with the Declaration of Helsinki
and was approved by the Regional Committee for Medical
and Health Research Ethics. All participating patients gave
written informed consent.
Investigation and study procedures
Following an assessment of medical history, clinical
examination including cardiopulmonary exercise testing
and laboratory assessment, patients were voluntarily referred
for subsequently assessments with CCTA or ICA
regardless of the results of the non-invasive tests. Both
CAD imaging modalities had to be completed within a
6 month time window by experienced radiologists or
Caucasian subjects with T2DM without cardiac symptomswho were enrolled in the Asker and BaerumCardiovascular Diabetes (ABCD) study in 2002-2004[12] and still alive, were eligible for participation in this7-year cross-sectional follow-up study (ABCD-2). Classificationof subjects as being asymptomatic was based onpatient history and clinical assessment (i.e., free fromcardio-pulmonary symptoms) [13]. In addition toT2DM, diagnosed in accordance with diagnostic criteriaby the World Health Organization [14], the inclusion criteriain the ABCD-study were age 18-75 years and at leastone additional CV risk factor (hypertension [treated or24 h systolic/diastolic blood pressure ≥140/90 mmHg],dyslipidaemia [treated or total cholesterol ≥ 5.0 mmol/L,HDL-cholesterol ≤1.0 mmol/L in men, or ≤1.1 mmol/L inwomen or triglycerides ≥2.0 mmol/L], past or prior smoking,premature CAD in 1st degree family [male < 55 years,female < 65 years], or microalbuminuria). Exclusion criteriain this imaging follow-up study were irregular heart rate,pregnancy, known allergy to iodinated contrast mediumand elevated serum creatinine (female > 120 μmol/L,male > 130 μmol/L).The study complied with the Declaration of Helsinkiand was approved by the Regional Committee for Medicaland Health Research Ethics. All participating patients gavewritten informed consent.Investigation and study proceduresFollowing an assessment of medical history, clinicalexamination including cardiopulmonary exercise testingand laboratory assessment, patients were voluntarily referredfor subsequently assessments with CCTA or ICAregardless of the results of the non-invasive tests. BothCAD imaging modalities had to be completed within a6 month time window by experienced radiologists orcardiologists.
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