produce other hand, le bog, body to the wak on that roduce we eat one portio recommend every about that is high in protein at 7, in 8. put to use 9, Complete 1. tim an do are not like some Human beings supposed. to be We asleep k on awake during the day, and houses ong, at night. Most lights in are are brighter than they should be, 2. A p Doctors say that the brain gets confused as it think She gets you should be wide awake when you should rea 4. ular be fast Try to avoid very bright lights j t s. It's you to bed. One simple solution is 6. Do go eep a switch that enables you to choose Ev exactly how bright you would like the light to be 7. 8. TI This is one you probably wish you Match could hear more often! When you study for a long time, your eyes can not see properly. As a result, you change positions and sit uncomfortably, which can make you feel tired. Make sure you r take a short break from your work every hour, but t remember to do something which does not strain your eyes. Make a (short!) Phone call, or take the dog for a walk.