Concerning crumb color, in generally, as watermelon rinds powder level increased L* and b* values decreased while a* value increased and the crumb color became darker and more greenish. However as the level of sharlyn melon peels powder increased L* and a* values decreased, while b* value showed an increasing trend, indicating that a darker, more then less redder, and more yellowness crumb. The crumb of the control cake was lighter and more yellow compared to the tested cakes. It was well known that during cake baking, the crumb, dose not reach a degree crumb does not reach adgree above 100 °C, so the Millard or caramelization reactions fail to take place. Therefore, the resulted of crumb color of tested cake was due to the color of the used substituted materials and their interactions. Im and Kim (1999) also reported that, the addition of green tea powder affected the crumb color and caused L* and b* values to decrease.