We have been intrigued by the phrase computational thinking as a device for conceptualizing the
learning and development that take place with Scratch. Although computational thinking has
received considerable attention over the past several years, there is little agreement on what a
definition for computational thinking might encompass (Allan et al., 2010; Barr & Stephenson,
2011; National Academies of Science, 2010). Cuny, Snyder, and Wing (2010) define
computational thinking as “the thought processes involved in formulating problems and their
solutions so that the solutions are represented in a form that can be effectively carried out by an
information-processing agent” – a description that aptly (if somewhat tersely) frames the work of
computational creators.
We have been intrigued by the phrase computational thinking as a device for conceptualizing thelearning and development that take place with Scratch. Although computational thinking hasreceived considerable attention over the past several years, there is little agreement on what adefinition for computational thinking might encompass (Allan et al., 2010; Barr & Stephenson,2011; National Academies of Science, 2010). Cuny, Snyder, and Wing (2010) definecomputational thinking as “the thought processes involved in formulating problems and theirsolutions so that the solutions are represented in a form that can be effectively carried out by aninformation-processing agent” – a description that aptly (if somewhat tersely) frames the work ofcomputational creators.
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