15:26 sid.023 Hey
15:26 sid.023 sid023ได้โทรหาคุณ คุณสามารถโทรและรับสายจากเพื่อนคนนี้หลังจากที่คุณได้เพิ่มผู้ใช้นี้ยังรายชื่อเพื่อนของคุณ
16:28 sid.023 Are you there
16:29 Green yes
16:29 sid.023 Thats good
16:30 sid.023 What are you doing now
16:31 sid.023 สตื๊กเกอร์
16:33 sid.023 After 2 days i am discharging from hospital
16:34 Green Better soon
16:35 sid.023 Ya
16:35 sid.023 I will
16:35 sid.023 Be
16:35 sid.023 So we were talking about love
16:36 sid.023 Right
16:37 sid.023 So what you accept from love
16:39 sid.023 Just tell me
16:39 Green But now as a friend before!
16:40 sid.023 Ya
16:45 sid.023 We are friend now i am not accepting anything else from you
16:46 Green ok
16:47 sid.023 Ya i know that it is difficult to talk to a stranger
16:47 Green I have the same.
16:48 sid.023 Ya
16:48 sid.023 I can understand
16:49 sid.023 It is difficult to trust on it
16:50 Green Thank you for understanding
16:51 sid.023 I know that Righnow you are feeling uncomfortable with me and i promiss you that i will never break your trust
16:53 sid.023 I will always be gental with you
16:53 sid.023 Ok
16:54 sid.023 สตื๊กเกอร์
16:55 sid.023 Your most welcome
16:56 sid.023 So are you studing
17:00 sid.023 Do you want to ask anything to me if you wanted to then ask with out any hesatation
17:04 Green Why did you choose to talk to me.
17:05 Green Since we are strangers.
17:08 sid.023 I cant express it in words but will try to express
17:10 Green where did you go to school?
17:11 sid.023 When i opened your profile i firstly say your smile
17:12 sid.023 Something was different in it....
17:13 sid.023 I was just looking it looking it for 1 to 2 min i was just looking your smile
17:14 sid.023 Thats was the reason
17:15 sid.023 Every one on this earth is stranger unless me talk to them
17:16 sid.023 When we talk we come to know about manything
17:16 sid.023 As i know about you
17:16 Green The actual form is different.
17:17 sid.023 What...??
17:18 sid.023 So what is the actual form
17:19 sid.023 Dont be uncomfortable tell me
17:20 Green my identity in the photo.
17:21 Green It may be differentฃ
17:22 sid.023 Not your identification but your nature
17:22 sid.023 Your friendly nature
17:23 sid.023 I saw that you was talking to a stranger
17:23 sid.023 Stranger means i
17:24 sid.023 And i really liked it
17:25 sid.023 I will never love someone by seeing face
17:26 sid.023 I will love someone
17:26 sid.023 Who has having ha good heart like you
17:27 sid.023 I think you will understand
17:28 sid.023 I told you that i will not be able to express in words
17:28 sid.023 But i tried
17:28 sid.023 Hope you like it
17:30 sid.023 I think i am boring you
17:31 sid.023 Thats why you are not answering
17:32 sid.023 Or rplying
17:32 Green ok
17:34 sid.023 Look i am not so cool but not so boring but something like that
17:34 sid.023 Its me
17:35 Green But I may not be a good person for you!
17:36 sid.023 But why you think so
17:36 sid.023 Its not like that
17:37 sid.023 Dont think so
17:37 sid.023 I think i am not the right gye for you
17:38 Green I'm afraid your time!
17:39 sid.023 I will manage it
17:41 sid.023 Say something
17:43 sid.023 I will manage every thing for you
17:44 sid.023 Rply please
17:45 sid.023 You have to trust me
17:46 Green I'm afraid you're sorry.
17:47 sid.023 I can understand
17:47 sid.023 Dont be sorry
17:48 sid.023 I am stranger
17:48 sid.023 And you wanted me to be stranger
17:49 sid.023 And you are afraid to fall in love with the stranger
17:50 Green If you have enough effort!
17:52 sid.023 What i dont understand...?
17:53 sid.023 Sorry i cant understsnd what you said
17:58 Green if you want to talk to me.
17:58 sid.023 Yes i do
17:59 Green ok
18:00 sid.023 so
18:02 Green but as a friend?
18:02 sid.023 Okkk
18:03 sid.023 It means you need time
18:03 Green ok
18:04 sid.023 To make this stranger yours
18:05 sid.023 Look i will always be your friend
18:05 Green ok
18:07 sid.023 But i wanted to be more than that and for that we need time so i am ready to give time
18:07 sid.023 My whole time is of yours
18:09 sid.023 I am ready to wait for you for my rest of the life
18:10 sid.023 Because i wanted to leave with you
18:11 Green ok
18:11 Green Time will prove everything.
18:12 sid.023 I know you are laughing at me but its true
18:13 sid.023 I will prove it to the time for you
18:13 Green Thank you for understanding.
18:14 Green I'm going to have dinner with a friend.
18:15 sid.023 Ok
18:16 sid.023 Are you taking permisson
18:16 sid.023 Or you are telling me
18:17 sid.023 Or you are just telling me
22:16 sid.023 how was the dinner
22:23 Green Delicious
22:24 sid.023 Thats good
22:32 sid.023 สตื๊กเกอร์
22:32 sid.023 Ok good night
22:32 sid.023 สตื๊กเกอร์
23:47 sid.023 สตื๊กเกอร์
23:50 sid.023 Good night
11:21 sid.023 Hey
11:27 Green hi
12:27 sid.023 How are you
20:26 sid.023 Hey
20:43 sid.023 ☎ สายที่ไม่ได้รับ
22:58 Green Hi