1) to reduce the logistics cost overall. Reverse logistics is the process of the product or products with blame or hold stock, including raw materials remaining from use. Use or create value increased.The cost of keeping the cost of transportation and other related cost
.2) increase the value of the products. Process of reverse logistics will help to create the added value of the product or products, it is much more by material left over from the production could be recycled.(if not dangerous to the consumer). The goods fall model is can be used for sale. Which will help add value to the product or the product rather than to waste.Over the years, while some parts 15 lifetime more. The electric motor is an important piece of a lifetime to 25 years. If the manufacturer has the process of reverse logistics efficiency could buy.Can also be used to prepare a new one. By may the selling price of new machines at a low cost. It adds value to products that may become the garbage!
.3) create satisfaction to customers. The reverse logistics is one strategy to help meet the requirements. And create satisfaction to customers. Because the customer has to return channel back quickly and easily!
.4) reduce the impact on the environment. Application of recycled products or raw materials left over from the production to recycle. To be used in the production process again, it will help reduce waste or garbage to occur.Back to the company will help prevent littering the wrong way. Which may be harmful to the environment. It can be seen that the concept is consistent with the concept of green logistics with the target.5) to reduce the barriers to trade barriers. At present, many developed countries have used the terms about the logistics. The back or green logistics is one important condition in the imported goods from different countries such asReverse logistics for the product end of life, etc.!
.6) image to the organization. Reverse logistics is part of the concept of green logistics to help save the environment? This process will help create a positive image to the organization.