H = healthy pepper plants (control); S = CMV-S-vaccinated; S/D = vaccinated plants challenge
inoculated with CMV-D; D = healthy plants challenged with CMV-D; S/16 = vaccinated plants
challenge inoculated with CMV-16; and 16 = healthy plants challenged with CMV-16.
Percent disease intensity was calculated using the formula 100(∑sn/SN), where sis the disease
index score (disease was rated on a scale of 0 to 5, where 0 = no symptoms and 5 = severe symptoms), Sis the highest sgrade, nis number of plants with the same s, and Nis total number of test
plants indexed.
Percent disease prevention was calculated using the formula 100([C– V]/C), where C= disease
intensity of plants inoculated only with CMV-D or CMV-16 and V= disease intensity of vaccinated
plants challenged with CMV-D or CMV-16. … = not applicable.
Average yield in kg/plant, calculated as a average of all 428 plants in each group.
z Yield is the ratio of the average fruit yield from treated plants to the average fruit yield from
healthy plants, expressed as a percentage. Numbers in parentheses = ±standard deviation; means
with the same letter are not significantly different at probability level P= 0.05 according to
Student’s ttest.
H = healthy pepper plants (control); S = CMV-S-vaccinated; S/D = vaccinated plants challengeinoculated with CMV-D; D = healthy plants challenged with CMV-D; S/16 = vaccinated plantschallenge inoculated with CMV-16; and 16 = healthy plants challenged with CMV-16.wPercent disease intensity was calculated using the formula 100(∑sn/SN), where sis the diseaseindex score (disease was rated on a scale of 0 to 5, where 0 = no symptoms and 5 = severe symptoms), Sis the highest sgrade, nis number of plants with the same s, and Nis total number of testplants indexed.xPercent disease prevention was calculated using the formula 100([C– V]/C), where C= diseaseintensity of plants inoculated only with CMV-D or CMV-16 and V= disease intensity of vaccinatedplants challenged with CMV-D or CMV-16. … = not applicable.yAverage yield in kg/plant, calculated as a average of all 428 plants in each group.z Yield is the ratio of the average fruit yield from treated plants to the average fruit yield fromhealthy plants, expressed as a percentage. Numbers in parentheses = ±standard deviation; meanswith the same letter are not significantly different at probability level P= 0.05 according toStudent’s ttest.
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