There were significant differences in the protein content of the mixed fruit leather, with that of sample819(40%banana:40% pineapple:20%apple)being higher(0.71%),followed by sample 443 (20%banana:40%pineapple:40%apple),(0.60%).These results vary from that of paw-paw and guava are ported by(Ashaye et al.,2005).The variation in the protein contents could be attributed to different type of fruits used, probably due to the variable nitrogen containing compounds in the fruits. In Table 1, sample819 (40%banana:40%pineapple:20%apple)recorded the highest carbohydrate content of(84.77%)followed by sample 443 (20%banana:40%pineapple:40%apple)which had (81.67%). Statistically, it was observed that all the samples were significantly different (po0.05) from one another. All the samples of the mixed fruit leather produced showed a high level of carbohydrate.