2.2. Reagents and solutions
All reagents were of analytical grade and all
solutions were prepared with water from a Millipore
(Bedford, MA) Milli-Q system (Model UV
Plus Ultra-Low Organics Water). Catecholamines
from Aldrich (Milwaukee, WI) 2.0/102 mol l1
stock solutions were prepared daily in 0.1 mol l1
phosphate buffer solution at pH 6.0. Reference
solutions from 6.1/106 to 1.0/104 mol l1
epinephrine, from 6.6/106 to 3.9/104
mol l1 dopamine, from 6.7/106 to 7.0/
105 mol l1 L-dopa and from 6.2/106 to
8.1/105 mol l1 isoprenaline were analyzed in
a 0.1 mol l1 phosphate buffer solution at the
same pH. In the construction of the biosensors an
Acheson 38 graphite powder from Fisher and
mineral oil from Sigma were used throughout.
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